Monday, 20 September 2021

Dance Mat Typing

I completed a task called dance mat typing. Dance mat typing is a can do activity which helps you learn to type without looking at your keyboard.

First I set up a 15 minute timer to time myself while doing the task. This time I did level two.

The second level is learning the letters R and U.

The last level I got up to was learning T and Y.

This task was a bit challenging because sometimes I keep on looking at my keyboard.


  1. Kia ora Emmanuel, what fingers do you use when trying to type the R, U, T, Y keys? It is ok to look at the keyboard sometimes especially while you are learning, do you try to cover your hands/the keyboard while practicing so there is less reason to look?

    1. Hi Whaea Petra,
      Thank you for the positive feedback, Sometimes it is ok to look at your keyboard so you do not make any mistakes, But most importantly I should not be looking at the keyboard most of the times.

      Thank you for your feedback. Emmanuel.


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