Wednesday, 30 June 2021

HPE | Table Tennis

We practised the techniques of table tennis.

The first skill we learnt was holding the bat. first you have to be like hand shaking the bat and making a gun sign with your index finger and your thumb. 

After we learnt the forehand and the backhand. The forehand is facing your thumb to the ceiling and your index is facing to the ground. The backhand is the same thing but facing your thumb to the ground and your index figner to the ceiling.

Afterwards we did 2 competitions. The first was trying to get the most hits with the forehand skill, the second one was trying to get the most hits with the backhand skill.

Then we played a few games against each other. There was two players, they were the challenger and the champion. The challenger would always serve first and try and get it over the net.

Then we practised how to serve the ball. You have to drop the ball, then hit the ball over the net then the other person has to try and return the ball back to you without missing it or hitting the net.

I enjoyed this task because I kept on getting champion more than challenger.

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