Wednesday, 30 June 2021

HPE | Table Tennis

We practised the techniques of table tennis.

The first skill we learnt was holding the bat. first you have to be like hand shaking the bat and making a gun sign with your index finger and your thumb. 

After we learnt the forehand and the backhand. The forehand is facing your thumb to the ceiling and your index is facing to the ground. The backhand is the same thing but facing your thumb to the ground and your index figner to the ceiling.

Afterwards we did 2 competitions. The first was trying to get the most hits with the forehand skill, the second one was trying to get the most hits with the backhand skill.

Then we played a few games against each other. There was two players, they were the challenger and the champion. The challenger would always serve first and try and get it over the net.

Then we practised how to serve the ball. You have to drop the ball, then hit the ball over the net then the other person has to try and return the ball back to you without missing it or hitting the net.

I enjoyed this task because I kept on getting champion more than challenger.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


I wrote down three introduction sentences.

My first introduction sentence is a basic fact. A fact is something that is true. Apples are a type of fruit that contain seeds in them. To grow they need sunlight, a good amout of water and a pot

My second introduction sentence is a question hook. A question hook is trying to hook the reader to reading your work. Did you know that apples are an edible fruit which contains a high amount of vitamin C ? They need a pot, seeds, sunlight and water.

My last introduction sentence is a explain emotion. An explain emotion is trying to get the reader an emotional feeling when reading. Apples are a type of fruit which is a yummy juicy treat that everyone likes. To grow it you need sunlight, water, some seeds and a pot to put them in.

Units of Measurement

I measured three objects using one of the units of measuement. There are four units of measurements which are millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.

The first object I estimated was a box. I measured the height, width and length of the box. Then I measured the actual height, width and length with a ruler.

The next object I estimated was a container. Next I measured the actual height, width and length of the container to see the right measurement.

The last object I estimated was another container. I measured the actual height, width and length of the container for the right measurement.

I enjoyed this task because my estimations were very close to the actual measurement.

Chronology and Skimming & Scanning

We learnt about chronology.

Chronology means an order in time that event happened. We used the same learning skill called skimming and scanning. Skimming is being like an aeroplane and skipping through the text.

Scanning is being like a helicopter and stop and look at that specific paragraph or information that you need.

We first went into skimming mode and looked and some pictures to figure out what the book was about. The book was about recycling paper, plastic and metal.

We applied the skimming to find keywords and we used scanning to find facts in chronological order from the text.

This activity was challenging because it was hard to find facts in chronological order.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Party Popper Plan

We were marketing about toys.

Mr Wong told us about his design which was a party popper. Next he told us to plan about the party popper. 

Our market was gamers. First we planned about the parts. The parts is: a plastic cup, elastic band, toothpick, paper and the confetti for the explosion.

Next we updated the designs for our market. We changed the plastic cup to a paper cup, we added more confetti and we left the rest as normal.

Lastly we did the rational. We had to explain about our updated designs and why we chose to leave it as normal or change the design.

I enjoyed this task because I liked planning about the party popper.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a basic facts boxes challenge up to 10 addition. Basic facts boxes is a activity where you have to answer the questions in a fast amount of time.

I completed 100/100 correct and my time was...

Next time for my goal is to do up to 20 addition because I already know my 5 addition.

Flip, Slide, Turn

There are three types of movements. They are flip, slide and rotate.

Flip / Reflection is relfecting or flipping a mirror image. 

Rotation / Turn is turning a shape to another angle.

Translate / Slide is moving a shape to any direction.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


In our partnership with our community our values are condensed down to CARE.


We have the confidence to take risk with our learning and to share our ideas with others, we are focused on our futures.


We show a positive to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunities 


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviroment.

Excellence and inovation

We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas and think about our learning.

We use these in PE to follow the rules and the values of our school.


We learnt about Maori sentences.

First we revised on left and right. Left is maui in Maori and right is matau. 

Next we practised with Whaea Odie  -  we revised runga and raro which means up and down. We also practised waho and roto which means inside and outside.

For our work was we had to make sentences using words in English then translating into Maori. One of them was: Apple and bag.

The sentence is: Kei hea te Aporo? Kei roto i te peke.

I enjoyed the lesson because I learnt alot  of new words in Maori.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Topic Planner

I planned about three different topics. 

My first topic was about how a clock works. First I wrote down the mechanisms. One of them were: electricity. Electricty is used to power up the clock. Next I put in a information source to where I got the information from.

My second topic was about how apples grow. Apples need seeds to grow them. They also need sunlight and water to help grow the apple seeds. 

My third topic was about how cake is made. You need to get ingredients, then mixing it together and cooking it to rise. 

This task was challenging cause I could not think of ideas to plan about.

Table Mat Information

We learnt about skimming and scanning.

Skimming is going through the book and looking for facts and questions through out the text. Scanning is reading a specific peice of knowledge.

We used skimming and scanning for a book called ( Killer Quakes )

We first we had to write our prior knowledge. Prior knowledge is a peice of knowledge that we already know about the book. 

Next we searched in the book to find four facts about the book. One of my facts were: Scientist use a machine called a seismograph which measures how strong a earthquake is. 

Lastly we wrote down key questions and questions I would ask. Key questions are what the author thinks in their mind. Questions that I would ask is what questions that I would think of the story.

I enjoyed learning about skimming and scanning because I learnt new facts about earthquakes.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


We did five more different sports activity to test our balance.

I did a volleyball activity. First my partner had to pass the ball to me. Next I had to put in power so I can hit the ball back to my partner.

I found this activity easy because I put in power to hit it back to my partner.

I did a tennis activity. I had to bounce the ball to my partner. I had to balance on one leg and  try and hit the ball back without touching the ground.

I found this also easy because I could hit the ball back to him with power.

I did a hockey stick activity. First I had to balance on one leg and try keep the hockey stick from touching the ground. My partner had to roll the ball so I can hit the ball back and fourth.

I found this challenging because I always use the stick to balance.

I did a egg and spoon challenge. First we had to balance on one leg and try and lower us down to the ground and let the spoon touch the ground without making the egg fall and then rise back up.

This activity was challenging because I almost dropped the egg when coming back up from the gorund.

I did a soccer activity. We had to do two acitivties based on soccer. The first one was trying to balance the ball on our heads and the second was trying to keep the ball in the air with our knee.

This was also challenging becuase I kept dropping the ball all the time.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021


Did you know that cacao beans can survive 200 years, and fireworks are seen in royal weddings.

People light the fuse to make the fireworks ignite. We then added casual language. WHEN people light the fuse it makes the gunpowder ignite.

Cacao has a bitter taste, which is why they add sugar. Milk chocolate is the most popular cacao product which has milk added. Chocolate is a popular cacao product THEREFORE people buy it and eat it for enjoyment 


Reciprocal Reading

We did reciprocal reading on a PDF called What we invested.

The five roles are leader, predictor, clarifier, questioner and summariser. The PDF was about how many lives  were lost when soldiers twent to war and how much money was spent by governments during the four years that the war took.

The most helpful role was the clarifier role because they identified tricky and unknown words that we didn't understand through out the text.

The next PDF we did was Where they lived.

The text was about how much money soldiers and other workers  earned . It doesn't seem like a lot today.

The most helpful role was the predictor because they predicted the story very well and we knew what to expect.    
